New Year! A Better Perspective To Be Inspired To Lead And Win
Winter is in full effect. The holidays tend to bring two converging trends, the joy of gifts and gatherings and the sadness of loneliness and loss. In the workplace, individuals are happy that they have achieved their goals and received financial recognition and promotion. While others have lost their jobs or fear losing them because they haven’t been achieving. Individuals who are focused on succeeding should have another perspective of how to approach winter. Spend time reflecting to reposition yourself for the new year while getting rejuvenated for growth with these three key strategies.
There is the old saying, “When you know better, you do better.” We can go a step further and consider the six or nine perspective. Take the time to solicit 360 feedback from all your stakeholders. Customers, managers, peers, subordinates, friends and others you interact with can provide positive and corrective feedback. The key is to be open to the various perspectives and the information they share. Great leaders must be very effective about successfully leading themselves before they can influence others. Performing a personal SWOT analysis with the information you gather can be used to create your new plan for the upcoming year. Put additional focus on your opportunities and threats as you fine tune your goals. Address your weaknesses in your personal development strategy.
Position yourself for a new year of greatness. That means, you must continue to do what is working but, more importantly, stop doing the things that are not. Make a conscious effort to start new habits and behaviors. This may mean changing your circle. Creating a plan and not putting yourself in the right environment to grow will not yield the level of success you desire. Surround yourself with individuals who can make you uncomfortable in your current state and give you examples of your future state. Writing a vision and plan is one thing but positioning yourself to receive and achieve is another.
You can not become complacent and stay comfortable while expecting to grow and have a different level of success. Every aspect of your personal and professional life must come in alignment to make your plan a reality. Look at what new behaviors and skills you must develop, mentors you need, distractions you need to let go of, time wasters you need to change and actions to take in order to maintain peace and tranquility to have the environment necessary to increase your success.
Many people underestimate the impact various things have on your mental health. We spend a great deal of time focused on our physical health not realizing that we must start at the top, first. Clear your mind of clutter, negative thoughts and the “lack” mentality. Instead, enrich your mind with a new reading list and affirmations for those times when things get tough. Set a playlist on your cellphone of videos and music that inspire you. Repeat and remind yourself of where you are going and not of your current state and be committed to doing these things regardless of how you feel. These are all new habits you may have to incorporate into your daily routine. Ensure you get an accountability partner who can be there in case things start to derail.
Don’t just start the year with new resolutions. Beginning this new season with a solid plan and approach will increase your chances of having a greater year of significant success. Stay connected with our “Inspire, Lead, Win” series at this year to align and grow with others.