Merck Drexel Advanced Leadership Program for Diverse Suppliers (ALP) benefits diverse business leaders in health-focused industries.
Drexel University announced a collaboration with Merck & Co., Inc., to establish a new leadership program to help diverse business owners enhance their leadership and business acumen, as well as strengthen and grow their companies. The inaugural cohort of the Merck Drexel Advanced Leadership Program for Diverse Suppliers (Merck Drexel ALP) began coursework for the four-month certificate program in March 2021. This new initiative is the latest collaboration between Merck and the university and is being managed by Drexel’s Solutions Institute, which serves as the gateway for industry to connect with and leverage the university’s capabilities.
The inaugural cohort for the Merck Drexel ALP has been recruited from across the United States through a collaboration with Diversity Alliance for Science (DA4S). They represent companies spanning the pharmaceutical supply chain. The program runs through June 2021 and is delivered through a combination of live virtual classes and online asynchronous modules to foster continued cohort connection throughout the program. Participant tuition is sponsored by Merck.
The Merck Drexel ALP participants will engage with Drexel faculty, Merck subject matter experts, supplier peers and other business leaders in thought-provoking, facilitated discussions. This curated content has been created to enhance self-reflection and personal development while building relationships across the broader community and network. Modules include coursework in leadership and team building; finance and operations; communications, branding and digital strategy. The cohort participants shared their thoughts on being accepted into the program.

Uma Sharma, MMS Holdings
Uma Sharma, MMS Holdings
“This is the first program for me that is about diversity and leadership and hence, very intriguing. Having been a clinical leader for more than 25 years, I think it is time to recognize that some formal mentoring in this area is needed to understand the challenges and prepare ourselves appropriately for the future. I hope this program is a ‘no frills’ discussion of the practical issues faced in day-to-day operations. I look forward to the structured format with an agenda that includes marketing to finance and, a candid discussion with my peer group.”

Gail Trauco, The PharmaKon
Gail Trauco, The PharmaKon
“I hope to learn and immediately apply business strategies for new business opportunities. My ultimate business goals include annual revenue of $20 million, with a central office located in middle Georgia. The PharmaKon LLC has a vision for workforce inclusion and diversity, which creates a company magnetic to talented individuals…[Our] vision is to continue to create an inclusive and diverse team in all aspects, welcoming those often considered ‘misfits’ into a corporate family.”

Marilyn Stovall, TransChemical
Marilyn Stovall, TransChemical
“I am very sales driven due to my personality, I’m an extreme extrovert, and I excel at building relationships but that doesn’t always translate into being a great leader. I hope to sharpen my skills at accountability, strategy and management. I love being a female in a male-dominated industry; it allows me the opportunity to be visible to other females, so they know anything is possible. I have been passionate about inclusion for as long as I can remember. I would like to use the skills I learn to help create our 5-year and 10-year business plans.”

Laura Bothe, Bothe Associates Inc.
Laura Bothe, Bothe Associates Inc.
“I work in a small business and opportunities like this don’t come along like they do for employees of large corporations. I have been volunteering with a Wisconsin statewide student leadership group that’s struggling with its finances and there is a group of adults and students working together to try to keep the organization afloat until normal programming and events can return so leadership is very important to me. I hope to learn how I can be a better leader of my organization as I someday will transition into this role.”

Sherlanda Brooks, Diversity Sourcing Solutions
Sherlanda Brooks, Diversity Sourcing Solutions
“I am excited about this program because my business is growing and I am adding more team members, it is imperative that I work on my leadership skills, especially my interpersonal communication skills. COVID-19 has made us very isolated. As a result, I am absolutely thrilled about meeting and interacting with new people. I hope to learn how to be the best version of myself as a business owner, leader and supplier, and ultimately make better decisions that result in a win-win for everything I touch.”

Robin Whitsell, Whitsell Innovations, Inc.
Robin Whitsell, Whitsell Innovations, Inc.
“I’ve found that the most important conversations of a company change (a bit) as a company grows. A company of five people is very different from a company of 50—it’s hard to anticipate some of the considerations as a company scales. As the pharma/medical device industry can be very conservative and slow to change, it’s always interesting to me to learn strategies from across our industry and others. Any new or nuanced information is welcome!”

Wendy Miles, Miles Printing
Wendy Miles, Miles Printing
“I am excited because I am in the midst of succession planning, to become president of Miles within three years. I am currently the executive VP and also have a sales role. I am in a leadership position now but taking on that new role will expand the need for a different level of thinking, performance and management of teams. These are core competencies that sound like they will be touched on or explored in this program. I’m also excited for the camaraderie that will come along with this program and getting to know my peers.”

Robert Williams, SlateBelt Safety
Robert Williams, SlateBelt Safety
“I’m on a lifelong mission to get better. I’m excited about the Merck Drexel program because it is an opportunity to fulfill the continued promise I’ve made to myself and my team. My ultimate business goals are quite simple: continue to create opportunities for our entire team so that everyone can reach their full potential. It’s so exciting to see people do things they never thought possible.”

Cauldon Quinn, Bancroft Capital, LLC
Cauldon Quinn, Bancroft Capital, LLC
“As CEO of Bancroft Capital, I have the professional obligation to provide the most competent leadership capable. As a steward of Bancroft, I have the moral obligation of humility, the reality that I am a work in progress with need for continual growth/learning…I want to expand my competence and capability to offer greater direction and support to each employee, the firm, and ultimately serve our mission of providing meaningful training and employment to disabled veterans.”

Artura Taylor, TDG Scientific
Artura Taylor, TDG Scientific
“We are excited to learn more about marketing and digital presence/strategy as we feel these are two core competency areas that we could use the most strategic growth in. We’d welcome additional support around networking and forging strategic partnerships. We have excelled at creating over 150+ direct partnerships with the world’s largest manufacturers, however, we are always open to learning.”

Eddilisa Martin, 2M Research
Eddilisa Martin, 2M Research
“I’m excited about this program because I think it is an opportunity to learn and grow my leadership abilities in a purposeful way. Oftentimes when running your own company, you learn many leadership and business lessons by trial and error. Most of our leadership are scientists and have not been trained formally in business so I’m excited to learn about evidence-based business and leadership practices that I hope will ultimately help me continue to grow and strengthen our business.”

Alita Anderson, Eubio
Alita Anderson, Eubio
“I look forward to learning from my peers and Drexel faculty—how to be a better leader for my team, and ways to not only enhance our company’s vision, but also to implement it more strategically in the post-COVID world. Diversity and inclusion are the fabric of life. We are indeed a tapestry that is more vibrant, interesting, and strong when we each are able to show up authentically, share our unique perspectives, talents, and contributions, and be celebrated for who we are.”

Justin Kane, Magellan Transport Logistics
Justin Kane, Magellan Transport Logistics
“I feel like I can learn and grow from the experience. I’m excited to build strong relationships with fellow students with a passion for diversity. I want to learn skills to help transition from a problem solver ‘doer’ to a leadership role, financial acumen, and to sharpen my marketing skills with the latest technology. I want to make enough money to open my eyes in the morning and see the sunrise over the ocean from my bedroom.”

Chris Monica, Magno International
Chris Monica, Magno International
“It’s an incredible opportunity for leadership training and development that will not only help advance our organization but is being sponsored by a pharma/healthcare alliance and healthcare is our company’s largest business sector. Having the training co-sponsored by Merck and Drexel University underscores the quality and commitment to excellence of this program. I’m hopeful to enhance my self-awareness as a leader and learn/develop techniques through which I can grow personally and professionally.”

Kelly Nguyen, DrKumo Inc.
Kelly Nguyen, DrKumo Inc.
“I am always excited to have opportunities to learn, but especially because this program seems to have been well-thought-out by subject matter experts to help startups and SBE executives. The program focuses on much-needed and relevant topics such as communications, unique value proposition positioning, marketing, sales and financial planning. All these are key to determining the success of a company. As I learn from this program, I hope to continuously strive to apply and improve for my team and company.”

Pamela Nelson, Bracane
Pamela Nelson, Bracane
“I am excited about the opportunity for a deeper dive into business insights and operational efficiencies. As we have grown significantly over the past three years, the growth has blown holes through the processes. The program agenda is timely. I am a minority and have experienced disappointments in school, business, and opportunities…I started my business because of disparities and inequitable share of diversity in the industry among the people that look like me. I am here to make a difference.”

Jeanette Towles, Synterex
Jeanette Towles, Synterex
“I hope to learn more about how to best lead my team in dynamic situations, which is normally encountered in the U.S. but even more so in the context of COVID. I would love to build a broad community of innovative clinical and regulatory experts who have the common goal of getting therapies to patients with record speed and efficiency and leverage technology to get there. I also want to incorporate into daily business operations a platform that would enhance the community sense of the organization and facilitate the exchange of ideas.”

Michael A. Hudson, Site Search & Select, Inc.
Michael A. Hudson, Site Search & Select, Inc.
“This is a rare opportunity in one’s career to participate in a cutting-edge program with business implications that will set my company apart from our competitors, and at the same time, allow me to strengthen my professional strategies to keep my company a viable supplier partner to my clients and a true leader with diverse approaches and unique solutions that will exceed our client’s wildest expectations. I would ultimately like to win global business from dedicated corporate partners such as Merck and show them the success of the ALP.”

William Francy, AdMed
William Francy, AdMed
“I am excited about this program because I believe it will further help AdMed break down the walls of complex science and open it up to all for important pharma companies such as Merck but also for patients and caregivers. I am also looking forward to sharing experiences and knowledge with other diverse companies. I hope to learn about leadership, strategic networking and digital presence in particular. These are areas of our company I feel can grow to allow us to simplify science for a greater audience.”