Harnessing The Power Of Social Media

Nowadays, most businesses realize the power of social media. However, years after most social networks launched, I hear many stories from business owners still struggling to grow their social audience and engagement to the next level. Unfortunately, they end up decreasing their social media efforts because of the lack of return on investment. And, that is an issue—one’s perspective on it from the start. As a co-founder of a boutique, strategic social media agency based in Los Angeles and Seattle, I can understand this outlook as time is money and the results can be more critical for a small business when first launching.

The truth is social media isn’t just an effective marketing tool; it can be so much more for your business once the time and effort are spent there. One of the amazing aspects of social media is it truly does put every business on an equal playing field. For example, even if one business has millions of dollars to spend on their ad campaign, if you’re more creative, driven, with a strong compelling message to share but you have a limited budget, your social networks can complement your advertising and, essentially, become as valuable as a business with a larger advertising budget.

The power of creativity can’t be understated here. Ideas change things and your business can convey this in ways to not only gain more advantage than your competitors but also truly take your entire business to the next level. There are countless success stories that exemplify the power of social media. Did you know Usher discovered, arguably, the most-popular entertainer in the world today, Justin Bieber on YouTube? Then, there’s social media’s ability to impact change or spark conversations, i. e., #BlackLivesMatter, #PrayForParis, #BucketChallenge, and countless others, including President Donald Trump’s early understanding that its power is deeper than just communication. When an idea is formed then people support it and amplify it, if you align it with your brand, the results can be invaluable.

At the end of the day, we often forget that it’s called “social” media for a reason. Understanding that the more human you can be on your networks will make a difference. Like anything else in life, there are no shortcuts so it’s important to pay attention to the details, make it compelling where it’s authentic to spark emotions. If you can align your brand in a human way, the potential truly is unlimited.

Here is a quote to ponder when starting your social strategy:

“The power of thought, of idea, is incommensurable, is immeasurable. The world is dominated by thought.” – Emile Coue

At Keychain Social, it’s not a matter of whether or not you’re on social media, it’s how well you maximize it. Feel welcome to reach out to us to learn more strategies to leverage your social media and more importantly connect deeper with your customers on a personal level that will transform your business to the next level. As we like to say, “Unlock your potential.”

